FlySpeed SQL Query
Frequently Asked Questions
Licensing Questions
Can I use the Free version of FlySpeed SQL Query for commercial purposes?
A: No, the Free version can be used for 30-day evaluation and for non-commercial purposes only.
I want to transfer my installation to another PC or to another removable drive. Is it allowad by the license?
A: Yes, the license allows for transferring the installation from one location to another. To move your installation to another location or PC, open the tool, go to Help - Purchase menu item and click the Unregister button. After that install the tool on another location or PC, go to the same menu item and register the tool. Don't forget to restart the tool after successful registration.
Can I install the software on a network drive or to a shared folder and use the software by more than one user at a time? How many licenses should I purchase in this case?
A: It is possible having the Portable version of the tool. You should purchase a license for each concurrent user.
Technical Questions
How to register a copy of FlySpeed SQL Query Desktop version?
A: Follow the steps below:
- Select the "Help" - "Purchase" main menu item, click the "Register" button.
- Enter the registration name and key from the message with your registration information, click the "OK" button.
- The software will update your registration key automatically online. In case of success, you will be prompted about the successful registration and the process will be finished.
- In case of failure (for example, if access to the Internet will be blocked by your firewall), you will be notified about the reason of failure. In this case, click the "Update your registration key" link and check the opened web page.
- Copy the registration key from this page and get back to the tool.
- Click the "Enter the Key" button, paste the key from the web page to the edit box, and click the "OK" button.

If the above procedure won't lead to success, please sumbit a request to the Customer Support.
Is there a User's Guide available for FlySpeed SQL Query?
A: There is no complete user's guide for FlySpeed SQL Query, but there is a guide for Visual Query Builder that included in the tool.
Can I run FlySpeed SQL Query on Linux?
A: Yes, you can run it under Wine with WineTricks which installs MDAC 2.8. You might be missing some database server-specific client libraries or ODBC drivers which should be installed separately. MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DBF and MS Access/Excel connections should work fine out-of-the-box. Exporting data to .xls and .xslx files will work fine as well
How to establish connection to MySQL through HTTP tunnel?
A: Follow the steps below:
- Place the 'tunnel.php' file that included in the installation package to your web server somewhere it might be accessed over the Internet.
- Open the 'tunnel.php' file and find two PHP variables: $LOGFILE and $CONN_FILE. Make sure that the files referenced in these variables have appropriate rights to be modified by the script. Modify their values if needed.
- Open the tool, check the "Use tunneling" – "HTTP tunneling" option, specify URL to the 'tunnel.php' script, provide additional options (HTTP username, password) if needed. Proxy settings can be found at the "Advanced" tab (click the "More options" button to see it).
How to turn FlySpeed SQL Query in Protected mode to deny modification of connection properties by end-users?
A: In the Protected mode connection settings are stored in the "FlySpeed SQL Query.ini" file located in the program installation folder, which is not writable without having the administrator privilegdes (starting from Windows 7), so the user will not be able to modify these settings unless he has or be able to elevate his rights to administrator. The rest of the settings like positions of windows, user queries, etc. will be stored inside the user local AppData folder or in the Registry.
To turn the tool into this mode, prepare your database connections in the tool as usual (turn the Read-only mode on for the needed connections) and then switch the program settings storage to the local AppData folder (Main menu - Settings - "Settings storage location..."). Exit the tool, find the needed file in the "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\ActiveDBSoft\FlySpeed SQL Query" folder and place it in the program installation folder.
I get the "Timeout expired" error messages. How to avoid them?
A: Open the Connection Properties dialog, click the "More Options" button, switch to the Advanced tab and check the timeout settings. Set these properties to a higher value (30, 60 seconds or higher).
"Multiple-step operation generated errors. Check each status value" error. What is this message telling me?
A: This error means that one or more fields you are inserting/updating contain an invalid value. Some of the possible scenarios are:
- A string value is being inserted into a numeric field.
- An invalid date expression is being inserted into a date field.
- A string value being inserted is longer than the size of the string field.
- A null value is being inserted into a field that does not allow nulls.
You have to re-look at your database and make the appropiate changes in the database i.e. change field to accept null(s) or increase field length.
Also you may update your MDAC package from the Microsoft web site.
"Error creating object. Please verify that the Microsoft Data Access Components 2.1 (or later) have been properly installed." What should I do?
A: You may repair/reinstall MDAC on Windows XP by yourself by following the steps below.
- Open the folder C:\Windows\inf and locate the file "mdac.inf".
Note: Your Windows folder could be named differently, e.g. C:\Windows - Right-click the file "mdac.inf" and click Install.
- When prompted for a location, point to C:\Windows\servicepackfiles\i386
- When prompted for the file "handler.reg", either point to C:\Program files\Common files\System\msadc, or put the Windows XP CD in your CD-ROM drive. (you may receive file not found error(s), click cancel and the continue with the installation)
For more details see this support article at Microsoft web site.
If this won't help you, try to (re)install Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC). The appropriate package for your operating system can be found on the Microsoft web site. Wine users may use the following link to download MDAC: Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8 and use Wine-Doors to install Microsoft libraries.
"Class not registered, ClassID: {C8B522D0-5CF3-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}" error on starting FlySpeed SQL Query. Is there any solution for this problem?
A: The solution is to repair your Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC). You may try this free-to-use tool to repair your MDAC installation: MDAC Repair Tool.
Also you may repair/reinstall MDAC by yourself by following the steps in the answer above.
» Connection to Oracle database
"Cannot initialize OCI environment" error while trying to connect to Oracle database.
A: You may get this error if yout TNS_ADMIN variable is not set or does not point to the directory where the "tnsnames.ora" file is located.
"OCI is not properly installed on this machine (NOE1/INIT)" error while trying to connect to Oracle database.
A: You will get this error when the Oracle client software doesn't installed or doesn't properly configured.
FlySpeed SQL Query requires Oracle 32 or 64-bit (according to the bitness of FlySpeed SQL Query) Client Software to be installed on the workstation:
- Full Oracle Client installation. It requires the standard install procedure. The driver uses the client that is installed in the primary Oracle Home, if not specified explicitly.
- Instant Oracle Client. To install Oracle Instant Client, download the Oracle Instant client archive (mind the bitness!), unpack it into a folder and add it to the PATH environment variable:
When you are using TNS names, put the "tnsnames.ora" file into the same folder or use the TNS_ADMIN environment variable to specify location of this file. Also set the NLS_LANG environment variable to the required value (usually "English").
"ORA-06413: Connection not open" error while trying to connect to Oracle database.
A: This problem may be caused by presence of the special characters (parentheses) in the path to the executable file (ex. "Program Files (x86)" in 64-bit versions of Windows).
The only way to avoid this problem is re-installing the software to another folder that does not contain such characters. In this case we recommend you to install the tool to your user's directory, in the the "/AppData/Local/ActiveDBSoft/FlySpeed SQL Query" folder.
"ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified" error while trying to connect to Oracle database.
A: This error indicates that the the connection to a database was requested using a connect identifier, and the connect identifier specified could not be resolved into a connect descriptor using one of the naming methods configured. For example, if the type of connect identifier used was a net service name then the net service name could not be found in a naming method repository, or the repository could not be located or reached.
Generally, there are four ways to define database for Oracle:
- TNS alias name, specifying which database to connect to. Example: "XE".
- The connection descriptor, as it is in TNSNames.ora. Example: "(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = OraSrv)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME = orcl)))".
- The Oracle connection string, as it is in SQL*Plus. Example: "scott/tiger@OraSrv".
- The Oracle easy connect string ("EZCONNECT"), as it is described here. Example: "OraSrv:1521/orcl".
This problem may be caused by presence of the special characters (parentheses) in the path to the executable file (ex. "Program Files (x86)"). Read more about this problem in the answer to the previous question.
If you are using Easy connect string ("EZCONNECT"):
- Verify that "EZCONNECT" is listed as one of the values of the NAMES.DIRETORY_PATH parameter in the Oracle Net profile (SQLNET.ORA).
- Make sure the host, port and service name specified are correct.
- Try enclosing the connect identifier in quote marks. See the Oracle Net Services Administrators Guide or the Oracle operating system specific guide for more information on naming.
If you are using TNS alias name (TNSNAMES.ORA file):
- Make sure that "TNSNAMES" is listed as one of the values of the NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH parameter in the Oracle Net profile (SQLNET.ORA).
- Verify that a TNSNAMES.ORA file exists and is in the proper directory and is accessible.
- Check that the net service name used as the connect identifier exists in the TNSNAMES.ORA file.
- Make sure there are no syntax errors anywhere in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. Look for unmatched parentheses or stray characters. Errors in a TNSNAMES.ORA file may make it unusable.
- If everything looks good in tnsnames.ora, validate that the domain name entry in sqlnet.ora is not conflicting with the full database name resolution.
- If you are unable to find a solution, best practice is to delete and recreate the entry to eliminate any character or control character issues.
If the entry you are looking for in your TNSNAMES.ORA is missing, use the following procedure to add a new entry using the SQL*Net Easy configuration utility.
- Start>Programs>Oracle >SQL Net Easy Configuration.
- Select the option to Add a new instance alias.
- Enter the parameters are required in the forms. If you do not have this information, contact your dba.
- Confirm the new entry.
- Repeat for as many aliases as needed.
Tip : Most tnsnames issues arise out of multiple oracle homes, incorrect entries made somewhere in the file etc.
- Try searching the drive to identify how many TNSNAMES.ORA files you have.
- Try renaming the TNSNAMES.ORA file in the oracle home where you are facing the issue and add just the entry you are having an issue with. If it works, you know that the issue is somewhere else in the file.
Tip for DBA's: Use a centralized naming service to avoid most issues with client connectivity and the generation of ORA-12154 errors.
"SQL*Net not properly installed" while trying to connect to Oracle database. What should I do?
A: You have to install the Oracle client software in order to connect to Oracle databases.
You can download the Oracle Instant Client at
To download the standard Oracle Database 10g Client or later, choose your client platform at
You can download the Oracle Database 9i Client for Microsoft Windows 98/2000/NT/XP at:
You will need to register, but this is free and you can then access other useful pages on the Oracle web site.
Alternatively, contact your Oracle Database Administrator for the Oracle distribution CD. The standard Oracle Client is included in the Oracle distribution.
"Could not locate OCI dll" while trying to connect to Oracle database. What should I do?
A: Make sure that "<OracleHome>\bin" folder is in PATH, and that some version of oraxy.dll, e.g., oci.dll, ora71.dll, ora72.dll, etc. exists in that folder or elsewhere in the PATH. For Oracle8, the OCI dll is named OraClient8.dll. For Oracle9, the OCI dll is named OraClient9.dll.
» Connection to MySQL database
Why cannot I connect to my local MySQL Server?
A: There are several reasons why you cannot connect to the local database. If during the connection you get the error "Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)", then probably MySQL server is installed incorrectly or the service (usually with the name "mysql") is not running. To check if the service is launched, open "Control Panel" -> "Administrative Tools" -> "Services" and find the MySQL service. If you cannot find this service, you should try to reinstall MySQL. In case you find it, run it with the Start button or use Start item in the context menu. If you get the error "Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)", then check if you enter the password for the root user correctly in case you change it during installation. If you installed MySQL with default values, you should use the user name root with the blank password and port 3306 to connect to the server.
(More info ...)
Why cannot I connect to a remote MySQL server?
A: There could be several possible reasons that prevent you from successful connection to remote database. If the error message says "Can't connect to MySQL server on ‘some host' (10061)" then probably you should check the correctness of port and host name you've entered and also if the remote server is run. It often happens that the port through which the connection is set with MySQL server (normally, it's 3306) is closed for the security reasons by local firewall, corporate firewall or remote server firewall. The remote server port can also be closed by ISP, or TCP/IP protocol support is disabled on MySQL server. Please check this with your system administrator or ISP.
If the error message says "Access denied for user: root@somehost.somedomain" or "Host not allowed to connect to server", then the reason is that the user doesn't have permission to access the database.
When I try to connect to a database, I get the following message: "Access denied for user: myuser@myhost.mydomain". Why does it happen?
A: MySQL server uses client's login ('myuser' in your case) and the name of the host which it tries to set the connection from ('myhost.mydomain' in your case) for the client authentication. In your case the reason is that your 'myuser' user from the 'myhost.mydomain' host doesn't have permissions to access your MySQL server. It's quite possible that you successfully connected to your database with the same login and password in your PHP scripts or with the help of phpMyAdmin, but in this case MySQL server recognizes you as the 'myuser' user from the 'localhost' host who has the necessary permissions and allows you the access.
To solve this problem you should grant the necessary permissions to user myuser@ myhost.mydomain. You can do this with the help of phpMyAdmin or with the following SQL commands:
/*!50003 CREATE USER ‘myuser’@ ‘myhost.mydomain’*/; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ‘myuser’@ ‘myhost.mydomain’ IDENTIFIED BY 'user_password';
I'm trying to connect to a remote MySQL database, but I receive only the "Host not allowed to connect to server" message. What can the reason be?
A: This error occurs because you don't have a permission to connect to remote MySQL server from your host. Please contact your database administrator or, if you have access to MySQL server with grant privilege, you can use the GRANT statement to add a new user. For example, the following command will give full access from your host to the user:
/*!50003 CREATE USER 'user'@'user_host'*/; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'user'@'user_host' IDENTIFIED BY ' user_password ';
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